Package 'scoredec'

Title: S-Core Graph Decomposition
Description: S-Core Graph Decomposition algorithm for graphs. This is a method for decomposition of a weighted graph, as proposed by Eidsaa and Almaas (2013) <doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.88.062819>. The high speed and the low memory usage make it suitable for large graphs.
Authors: Christos Adam [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Christos Adam <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Version: 0.1.2
Built: 2025-02-18 06:43:46 UTC

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s-core community decomposition


s-core community decomposition


s_coreness(g = NULL, W = NULL, mode = "all")



igraph object. It is a weighted graph. If it is not weighted, then the igraph::coreness function will be used. It can be used as an alternative to W.


matrix object. It is an adjacency matrix. It can be used as an alternative to g.


character object. It can be one of "all", "in" or "out".


s-core community decomposition implementation. Only one of g or W must be provided.

While the source code is not as clear as the one at brainGraph::s_core, it is very speed and memory efficient. In case that the adjacency matrix W is provided instead of the graph g is provided, then this function is very speed and memory efficient.

Note that in cases that the adjacency matrix W is known to be symmetric (checked, for example, with base::isSymmetric or Rfast::is.symmetric), then mode = "in" and mode = "out" will produce the same result more efficiently. For efficiency reasons not checking it is chosen, but user should do it.


Integer vector with s-coreness attribute to each vertex.


Eidsaa, M. and Almaas, E. (2013) ‘s-core network decomposition: A generalization of k-core analysis to weighted networks’, Phys. Rev. E., American Physical Society, 88, 062819. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.88.062819.

Watson, C.G. (2024). brainGraph: Graph Theory Analysis of Brain MRI Data. R package version 3.1.0. doi:10.32614/CRAN.package.brainGraph.



## Create a dummy symmetric adjacency matrix
n <- 5
W <- matrix(runif(n^2),n)
W[lower.tri(W)] = t(W)[lower.tri(W)]
diag(W) <- 0

print(scoredec::s_coreness(g = NULL, W = W, mode = "all"))
#> [1] 3 1 2 4 4

#> [1] TRUE

all.equal(scoredec::s_coreness(g = NULL, W = W, mode = "all"),
scoredec::s_coreness(g = NULL, W = W, mode = "in"))
#> [1] TRUE

# Create a dummy undirected graph
g <- igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(adjmatrix = W,
                                         mode      = "undirected",
                                         weighted  = TRUE)
print(scoredec::s_coreness(g = g, W = NULL, mode = "all"))
#> [1] 3 1 2 4 4